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Lines to Cable Trays

This function converts Model lines into Cable Trays and adds fittings at the crossings. This tool is helpful in cases where you have files (.dwg, dxf, other formats) where Cable Trays are drawn as lines and you want to convert them.


    If you have selected one or more Model lines, the tools use these lines to execute.

    If you haven’t selected one or more Model lines, you are able to select those elements when executing the tool.

   After executing the tool, all attached and crossed lines are converted into Placeholder Cable Trays with minimal dimensions. The original lines are deleted (Tip: 1 Undo recovers the deleted lines and keeps the newly created Cable Trays). 

Remarks: This tool creates new Placeholder Cable Trays: make sure you have included the following Cable Trays types according to the Witas template (see project settings)
      RME_BE_NL : BERSnl_62_CT_placeholder_gen_witas
      RME_BE_FR: BERSfr_62_CT_espace réservé_gen_witas
      RME_BE_EN: RSen_62_CT_placeholder_gen_witas