Frequently Asked Questions

On which operating systems can the Witas Localiser software be operated?

Since Autodesk Revit is not available for Macintosh, we only provide support for the Windows operating system.

The Witas Localiser is compatible with Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) and Microsoft Windows 11.

Is there a trial version?

Yes, simply get in touch with us, and we’ll be happy to provide you with a short-term trial option.

Is there a student license or an academic license?

The Witas Localiser software is currently not available in an educational or student version.

How much does the Witas Localiser cost?

The licensing options for Witas Localiser include both purchase and subscription models:

  1. Purchase:
    • Basic Price: €2,300
    • Additional User: €700
    • Additional Language: €700
    • Additional Revit Version: €230
  2. Subscription (payable annually from the first year):
    • Basic Price: €800/year
    • Additional User: €240/year
    • Additional Language: €240/year
    • Additional Revit Version: €80/year

To learn more, check out the article: Price list

Can I use Witas Localiser on two Revit version at once?

Currently, running two versions of Revit simultaneously is not supported by Witas Localiser. If you encounter a situation where Witas Localiser doesn’t allow you to download and place families from the library while two Revit instances are open, simply log out of the Witas Localiser plugin in one of the Revit versions to resolve the issue.

What are the licensing options for Witas Localiser?

The licensing options for Witas Localiser include both purchase and subscription models.

To learn more, check out the article: Price list